Unique Training Model
Our multidimensional approach to training penetrates deeper into one's being than traditional teaching methods. Through Flow Learning™, participants are swept up into increasingly joyful learning experiences. By activating the body, mind, and spirit, we develop a greater understanding of our relationship with the natural world. “I feel like I’m discovering a new continent!”, exclaimed a recent workshop participant in China.
The following article clearly shows how multidimensional learning leads to richer, more nuanced nature experiences.
Read: Play Activates the Whole Person
Elements of a Sharing Nature Training
Nature Activities
Sharing Nature activities offer people fresh and transformative experiences of the natural world. Our creative nature games engage the student’s whole being by activating multiple centers of perception and cognition. Read More.
Flow Learning™
Our Flow Learning teaching system allows you to structure nature awareness classes for maximum effect. You can meet people where they are in interest and energy level, and then guide them step-by-step toward more meaningful encounters of nature. Read more
Deep Nature Play Principles
How does deep play differ from regular play? In Deep play there is a greater absorption with the object of play and our whole experience becomes supercharged. The principles of deep nature play are for those who want to share their subject matter with greater impact and inspiration.
Journey to the Heart of Nature Stewardship Program
Journey to the Heart of Nature immerses us in a particular natural spot, to listen to the land and enter fully into the lives of its inhabitants. Learning to love nature in one place will encourage a love for all of nature.
The Sky and Earth Touched Me Wellness Experience
Our wellness exercises provide a restorative cure for the many ailments that arise from spending little time outdoors. You will learn how to internalize your experience of nature and feel a greater sense of peace and connection.