Day 3: The importance of sharing captivating
experiences with your child
experiences with your child
"Mere exposure to nature is not enough" — Joseph Cornell |
Points to Remember
- When children look at a flower, they are completely immersed in what they are doing without distraction. Maria Montessori referred to this state as “the absorbent mind.”
- If our goal is to foster a love for nature in our child, we must offer them absorbing experiences that touch their minds and their hearts
- Exposure to nature improves symptoms associated with (ADHD) attention deficit hyperactivity disorder *
- Nature activities calm children’s restless bodies and minds so they can experience nature more profoundly
- Mere exposure to nature is not enough
- Curiosity, empathy, and a sense of wonder can flower in children’s lives when their attention is fully present with nature
Action Item
Observe your child and notice the times when he or she is absorbed in an activity and the times when he or she is unfocused and restless. Write down 5-10 ways to redirect their restless energy into wholesome activities.
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